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Isolated phase bus ducts (IPB)

busductsIsolated phase busducts (IPB) with air insulation

This type of duct is used primarily for the outlet of generator outputs at current levels as high as 28 kA and voltages of 36 kV. The basic principle of the busducts’ arrangement enables magnetic field radiation to be reduced to below 5%, as well as contributing to simplified handling and minimising potential interruptions for maintenance.

Isolated phase busducts (IPB) with forced cooling

This type of busduct is used for the outlet of generator outputs at current levels of up to 40 kA and voltages of 36 kV. Cooling can be in the form of air sucked directly in from the environment surrounding a generator or via a cooling unit. The basic principle of the busducts’ arrangement enables magnetic field radiation to be reduced to below 5%. Moreover, their simplicity is unique when it comes to replacing insulators or fixing them onto steel structures.

Isolated phase busducts (IPB) of internal consumption

Busducts such as these are primarily used for transmitting outputs between a unit auxiliary transformer and a switching station. They prove both maintenance free and space saving due to their exceptional design, which features a single insulator. In some cases, they can even be used for the outlet of generator outputs at short circuit ratios rated up to Ipeak=125 kA and Ith=50 kA/1s.

The power series of EGE busducts can handle up to 25 kA for self-cooled IPBs and 50 kA for forced cooled IPBs.

Segregated bus ducts (SPB)

These are specific types of segregated phase busducts suitable for generator outlets with a short circuit impedance of 100/50(3s) or 130/63(3s).

The power series for segregated phase (SPB) systems boasts a maximum range of 5 kA.

Non-segregated phase bus ducts (NSPB)

These are specific types of non-segregated phase busducts suitable for generator outlets with a short circuit impedance of 100/50(3s) or 130/63(3s).

The power series for non-segregated phase (NSPB) systems boasts a maximum range of 5 kA.

